Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Flipping The Switch and Doing the Work!

Today I'm flipping the switch on "Resistance" to "Doing the work"...Yes I've much to do that calls to me; the house needs to be prepared to go on the market come April 1st., it needs to be de-cluttered and cleaned top to bottom  (my studio has infiltrated into every room in the house...bet you have a similar problem...) The lovely ponderosa pines that surround my house have shed their winter coat...again!  in this unseasonably warm and dry winter. I really need to get to the gym. There are loose ends that still need tending after my mother's passing in January. My haircut is way overdue. The weather is beautiful, wouldn't it be nice to take my camera and sketch pad to locate some plein air subjects?  All worthy endeavor's that keep or should I say "allow" me to avoid my brushes and the partially completed painting on my easel. Sound familiar?
Oh yes, and this blog, my email, checking in with my online painting buddies, watching my new Richard Schmid video,  checking out all those useful YouTube video's I've found  etc. etc. etc…They all go by the name: Resistance. Worthy in and of themselves, but not my priority this day!

The theme in 'The War of Art' is "do the work!"  Today I finish the 11x14 painting that is from Jo V's last Saturday  online  paint-a-long. (see the link in the side bar) I will upload once done with Resistance taking a back seat.
Looking towards the new day, I am preparing my canvas' for this month's workshop challenge from Richard Robinson, (The Complete Artist, side bar)  and the Paint My Photo challenge. (Side bar) 
So today, I will do my best and surrender the rest...and perhaps I will have time to take care of some other less important things.

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused
by our standing in our own sunshine.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keep your brushes dancing!
Carolyn S. Brunsdon, Artist


  1. Lets here It for pushing past resistance ! well written..another talent you have dusted off..( writing ) :)

  2. Thank you Lost in Paradise, somehow I think that Resistance is losing it's battle with you too...Soon "lost" no longer.He is still hanging around but the battleground advantage is mine! (and yours). Have a wonderfully creative day!
